Goodbye Bruges, Goodbye Belgium...
If you read my previous blog posts, you might already know this:
- I'm gonna leave very soon -
Actually it's tomorrow: 1st February 2016
I have never been thought that one day I would leave this country, I thought I will stay here untill for ever and ever.
2015, it's a wonderful year to me, but tearful as well.
I do not know if I will regret leaving here, leaving my friends, my family, and the man who I could not forget yet. Maybe... I will have my answer very soon, maybe I will never have an answer.
When I packed all my stuff, when everything is ready, when the leaving date comes sooner and sooner, I think I'm already ready for leaving, to start a completely new life, in a beautiful city... and try to meet as many people as I can.
I will be happy, will have a great beginning, will make many good friends, everything will be changed, only one thing, I hope it will be stay there: Do not forget me, please!