I think I'm gonna keeping writing... Most time I would like to write something down on the paper or my agenda, especially those beautiful memories. I want to keep it, keep it somewhere that I could always go back and find it. One day when I looked back what I've written, maybe I will feel very emotional, or stupit, or anything else. But I'm kinda like to know what the feeling I had, why something or some one made me so emotional. It's really a good way to keep you remember the things or the person who used to invloed you a lot, whatever it's a good or bad one.
I want to keep you updated, but mainly I want to keep myself do not forget all those small things.
- 2016 started in the same way as 2015, 2014, 2013 etc. Nothing really special...
- I sent the first message to CJ on the first day of 2016 with my personal number, no name mentioned. I just wanted to say Happy New Year to him. No suprising after few hours I got a message back with the same Happy New Year. Not excited at all...
- Winter Sales begon at the 2nd Jan in Belgium, because 3rd Jan is a Sunday.
- I finally passed my driving test on 4th Jan in Bruges. Then I went back to Antwerp and told all my colleagues this big news. After that I went shopping, I was happy and excited. In the afternoon I got an another message from CJ and he asked me who I am... It definitely made my day.
- I treated myself with an another designer handbag as my X-mas and New Year present. I was kinda a bit going crazy with designer handbags.
- When I thought I did something which need lots of courageous, but the result was always not as what ik expected at all, which made me so depressed.
- I got lots of things from winter sales, mostly from online stores. Because I really didn't have a lot of time to shop, online shopping is really a good way to find some amazing stuff.
- One thing to mention, I got a pre-loved Delvaux handbag!!! It's almost brand new, never been used. I absolutely love it!
- One thing to mention, I got a pre-loved Delvaux handbag!!! It's almost brand new, never been used. I absolutely love it!
- I spend a lot of money, because I keep buying stuff... but I know I will be a big saver when I start my life in Shanghai. China is expensive... especially for luxury products.
- I hope it's not the last time before I'm leaving Belgium, we had a diner together last Wednesday in a Spain restaurant. I couldn't tell you the feeling that he gave me that evening, kind relax, but at the same time it made me feel sad, sad I'm gonna leave very soon.
- I don't really like to talk this when I was in the office. When other colleagues asked my when I will leave, I kind don't like to say that date, it just made me down.
- When he said he will go to Seoul very soon, and it's not so far away from Shanghai - he checked it on the map - I don't know what he really meant, do I need to go to Seoul to see him?
- If I have the last chance to say the last words to him, I really want to say: if one day you want to end your marriage, please, please let me know. I know it's so bad to say this to a married man, but it's just staying in my mind for so long time.
- I have to go to bed and finish here, because tomorrow it's a Monday and I need to work as a normal human. I'm happy to see him tomorrow in the office, he is definitely one of the many reasons why I love my job, why I don't really hate Monday.
Good night to all, have a nice dream!