Hello guys, long time no updating... I'm really sorry for that. My life is just turning very busy and I had no inspiration any more for some reason. But I'm back, I feel much better today, I know I'm not gonna give up, this is what I like to do, and I'm really enjoying writing, posting and sharing new things with you.
So today I want to share with you something new that I had never done before in my blog, but meantime which is also kind of beauty/fashion related, just slightly different. I want to share with you a APP which I inspired by the beautiful girl Michell Phan, I think she is one of my ever first watched YouTubers when I first time came across to the YouTube world. She is absolutely stunning, and her videos inspired me a lot. So this time when I saw her Instagram picture of she posted a picture of herself but like a 3D idol few days ago I instantly thought 'oh that is cool'! And I found the app - My Idol - which you all can find it in Appstore and it is for free.
This app is designed by a Chinese company, so you cannot choose languages other than Chinese. For me is absolutely no problems, but if you can't understand Chinese, it's okay, totally fine, without understanding what it said you can also use the app, it's not difficult at all.
Beside creating your own 3D idol you can also create films, any funny postings or faces, by few clicks everything just becomes so simple. Well, this app is also very popular between the celebrities, such as Marc Jacobs, Jone Mayer, Kat Dennings etc.
I heard many people said that they couldn't find this app in Appstore. I'm in Belgium, and I had no problems with downloading this app from Appstroe from my iPhone, you have to make sure the spelling correct is - myidol, not my idol -. For people who use iPad, you can only find it when you search myidol only for iPhone. I'm not sure for other users, or other countries, but you can try to type myidol, maybe it works.
I had so much fun for the first time when I created my first 3D idol, which was very funny, some of the posting, songs made me laughing a lot - because I can understand what it means - . What you need to do is scanning your face in the right position, and take a selfie. After that you can choose your outfit, your hair style, the color of your eyes, the color of your skin, the background etc. After that is done, you can go ahead to create films, change the posting, create some funny faces, or making your 'idol' singing, dancing, or doing some funny things. Easy, simple to use, maybe for the first time you have to give all the options a try, but after that you can totally enjoy this app.