I've heard this babe for quite some times, and also I've seen some my favorite youtubers've been using it and they all had quite good reviews. But I just never had chance to pick it up. And today when I was receiving the letter from ICIPARIS XL, it said if you buy any of the Lancôme foundation you get a foundation brush as gift. I immediately thought: okay, I'm gonna get it today! You know sometimes we just need some extra pushes, such as a small gift.
I got the shade 02 which is called Lys Rosé. And the number of the brush is also 02 which is a foundation brush, but you can't get it alone.
This foundation is a water based foundation, it's oil free, and lasts up to 12 hours. The coverage is light to medium, but if you need more coverage you can add another layer. It's also a light foundation, which means that it gives your skin very light feeling, and 'boasts a combination of pearlescent pigments to help re-create this light on the skin's surface'. So after putting this foundation on your face it immediately brightens up your complexion, and your skin looks flawless, healthy and smooth.
It sounds quite amazing, I haven't tried it yet, I hope I will like it because you know I like lightweight foundation.
I will let you know how I'm feeling about it and I'm sure I will do an another review and first impression blog post soon.